

For Velocity template SSTI, there is a method for achieving reflected RCE.

I did a challenge on HTB these days, which involved Velocity SSTI. After trying various payloads found online, I discovered that they all had different drawbacks or were basically unusable. So, I am documenting the payload I modified myself, which can provide an echo.

The challenge provides the source code, which obviously contains SSTI.


Payload 1 found online:

#set($e="e");$e.getClass().forName("java.lang.Runtime").getMethod("getRuntime",null).invoke(null,null).exec("open -a Calculator")

This payload uses reflection to get the runtime, but it doesn't provide an echo. It doesn't work well in this target machine's offline environment.

Payload 2:

This is the payload provided by hacktrick, which theoretically provides an echo.

#foreach($i in [1..$out.available()])

The $class and $inspect have significant limitations and cannot be used for RCE in this challenge.

Based on Payload 1, achieving an echo through reflection:


The echo produced by this payload is given in decimal. You can either run it through cyberchef or write a loop to convert it to characters.


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